Archive of Results

Results 2022

Results of international ranking tournaments in 2022

May 14, 15, 2022 international ranking tournament, stage I of the world cup, New Jersey, USA.

June 18, 19, 2022 international rating tournament, II stage of the world cup, Valmiera, Latvia.

July 30, 31, 2022 international ranking tournament, III stage of the world cup, Wieliczka, Poland.

August 27, 28, 2022 international ranking tournament, IV stage of the World Cup, Johvi, Estonia

September 17, 18, 2022 international ranking tournament, V stage of the World Cup, Espo, Finland

October 29, 30, 2022 international rating tournament, VI stage of the World Cup, Nurnberg, Germany.

November 19, 20, 2022 international ranking tournament, VII stage of the World Cup, London, Great Britan

Stage canceled

December 25, 2022 “Player of the Year 2022” is the final tournament of the FINSO international ranking, Latvia, Vaidava.

European Championship

October 0809, 2022 European Championship, Estonia.